Listed Issues
Conspiracy theories came true... Conspiracy theories that did not come true (2)
Conspiracy theories that came true Vs Conspiracy theories that did not come true

did we land on the moon or was it a hoax (7)
Points that landing on the moon was real Vs Points that landing on the moon was faked.

Donald Trump assasination (0)
The assasination inside job Vs The assasination was not an inside job.
Conspiracy theories came true... Conspiracy theories that did not come true (2)
Conspiracy theories that came true Vs Conspiracy theories that did not come true

did we land on the moon or was it a hoax (7)
Points that landing on the moon was real Vs Points that landing on the moon was faked.

Donald Trump assasination (0)
The assasination inside job Vs The assasination was not an inside job.
Companies who are left companies who are right (3)
Companies leaning right Vs Companies leaning left

Democrats valid sources vs republicans valid sources (6)
Republican examples and qualities of valid information Vs Democrats examples of qualities and valid information
Dems pro veteran actions vs Repubs pro veterans actions (5)
Repubs pro veteran actions Vs Dems pro veteran actions
Dems voted against people's interest... Repubs voted against people best interest. (5)
Dems voted against the people's interest Vs Repubs voted against the people's interest
Dems wanting to recieve free stuff (7)
Anti dems want free stuff Vs Pro dems believe others should get some things for free

Family values dems vs family values repubs (17)
Dems followers family values Vs Republican followers family values

Government using fear to control people (9)
Democrats directing fear towards public Vs Republican directing fear towards the public
Propaganda spotted (0)
What did you spot that is not propoganda in dems Vs What did you spot that is propoganda in dems
Reasons to trust dems vs reasons to not trust dems (4)
Reasons to not trust dems Vs Reasons to trust dems
Repub officials switch to dems... dem officials switch to repub comparison (0)
Repub officials switch to Dems Vs Dem officials swithc to Repubs
Republican selfish actions vs dems selfish actions (2)
Dems selfish actions Vs Repubs selfish actions
Republicans and terrorists are not alike.... vs alike (2)
Terrorists are like republicans Vs Terrorists are like democrats
Republicans selfless actions vs selfish actions (8)
Republican selfless actions Vs Republicans selfish actions
Repubs are selfish vs repubs are not selfish (13)
Republicans are selfish Vs Republicans are not selfish

Repubs define themselves vs democrats defining themselves (0)
Republicans defining themselves Vs Democrats defining themselves
Repubs sabatage Dems Dems sabatage Repubs comparison (1)
Repubs sabataged Dems Vs Dems sabataged Repubs

Signs dems cheat in elections signs repubs cheat in elections. (2)
How Democrats Cheat in Elections Vs How Republicans Cheat in Elections
Things repubs are hiding vs things dems are hiding (12)
Things republs are hiding Vs Things dems are hiding
Times republicans blamed dems.. times dems blamed republicans compare (1)
Repubs blame Dems Vs Dems blame Repub
Times repubs ruled against themselves etc (0)
Dems supreme court ruled in favor for republicans Vs Repubs supreme court ruled in favor for dems
Unifying issues (14)
Democrats misunderstanding of republicans Vs Republicans misunderstanding of democrats
What do all usa parties have in common (5)
What do Democrats and Republicans have in common Vs What do Republicans and Democrats disagree about
When dems were above the law when repubs were above the law (7)
Democrats above the law Vs Republicans above the law
Whose destroying the usa (20)
Are republicans destroying the USA Vs Are democrats destroying the USA
Companies who are left companies who are right (3)
Companies leaning right Vs Companies leaning left

Democrats valid sources vs republicans valid sources (6)
Republican examples and qualities of valid information Vs Democrats examples of qualities and valid information
Dems pro veteran actions vs Repubs pro veterans actions (5)
Repubs pro veteran actions Vs Dems pro veteran actions
Dems voted against people's interest... Repubs voted against people best interest. (5)
Dems voted against the people's interest Vs Repubs voted against the people's interest
Dems wanting to recieve free stuff (7)
Anti dems want free stuff Vs Pro dems believe others should get some things for free

Family values dems vs family values repubs (17)
Dems followers family values Vs Republican followers family values

Government using fear to control people (9)
Democrats directing fear towards public Vs Republican directing fear towards the public
Propaganda spotted (0)
What did you spot that is not propoganda in dems Vs What did you spot that is propoganda in dems
Reasons to trust dems vs reasons to not trust dems (4)
Reasons to not trust dems Vs Reasons to trust dems
Repub officials switch to dems... dem officials switch to repub comparison (0)
Repub officials switch to Dems Vs Dem officials swithc to Repubs
Republican selfish actions vs dems selfish actions (2)
Dems selfish actions Vs Repubs selfish actions
Republicans and terrorists are not alike.... vs alike (2)
Terrorists are like republicans Vs Terrorists are like democrats
Republicans selfless actions vs selfish actions (8)
Republican selfless actions Vs Republicans selfish actions
Repubs are selfish vs repubs are not selfish (13)
Republicans are selfish Vs Republicans are not selfish

Repubs define themselves vs democrats defining themselves (0)
Republicans defining themselves Vs Democrats defining themselves
Repubs sabatage Dems Dems sabatage Repubs comparison (1)
Repubs sabataged Dems Vs Dems sabataged Repubs

Signs dems cheat in elections signs repubs cheat in elections. (2)
How Democrats Cheat in Elections Vs How Republicans Cheat in Elections
Things repubs are hiding vs things dems are hiding (12)
Things republs are hiding Vs Things dems are hiding
Times republicans blamed dems.. times dems blamed republicans compare (1)
Repubs blame Dems Vs Dems blame Repub
Times repubs ruled against themselves etc (0)
Dems supreme court ruled in favor for republicans Vs Repubs supreme court ruled in favor for dems
Unifying issues (14)
Democrats misunderstanding of republicans Vs Republicans misunderstanding of democrats
What do all usa parties have in common (5)
What do Democrats and Republicans have in common Vs What do Republicans and Democrats disagree about
When dems were above the law when repubs were above the law (7)
Democrats above the law Vs Republicans above the law
Whose destroying the usa (20)
Are republicans destroying the USA Vs Are democrats destroying the USA
Biden campaign promises (0)
Trump campaign promises delivered Vs Trump campaign promises not delivered

Family values dems vs family values repubs (17)
Dems followers family values Vs Republican followers family values

Trump 2024 presidential run (4)