How the point maker knows what his point is true.



25/05/2022 06:13 PM

Not enough punishment for pedofiles.

Currently too little intervention.

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On this page, the author of the point goes into more detail. Visitors are also able to support or counter.

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Making it against the law to choose who you love or don't.


By Willi Walther 19/07/2022 12:31 PM

30,000 statutes in the USA since 1786.

Google search.

By Willi Walther 04/06/2022 01:20 PM

The government made it too hard for people trying to adopt orphans.

Kids seriously need love...

By Willi Walther 04/06/2022 01:18 PM

When there is tax on top of tax on top of tax.

Like tax on the sale of a car, tax on owning a car, tax on...

By Willi Walther 25/05/2022 06:12 PM

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